How to Prove a Delayed Brain Injury in a Lawsuit

  • Added By :George Kindley
  • Category : Personal Injury Law
  • Article Id : 1993
  • Added On : 26/03/2019
  • Views : 273

When you’ve been injured in an accident and you weren’t the one who caused it, then you deserve to receive payment in the form of a settlement or award. But, what if your injury wasn’t apparent right away? What if you suffered a brain injury but didn’t know it until later?

You can still file a lawsuit for a delayed brain injury, but the tricky part will be proving your case. You will need to prove two things: First, that the accident is what caused your injury, and not some other incident after the initial accident; and second, that you didn’t know about your injury at the time of the accident.

How Can You Prove Your Case?

Medical evidence is going to be key in proving your delayed brain injury. Careful record keeping is important to winning this type of case. Did you go to the doctor right away following your accident? Did they fail to notice your brain injury? When you later discovered an issue, did you go the doctor as soon as you could?

Additionally, if you were involved in any accidents following the initial accident, you might have to show that you didn’t experience any brain damage during that incident.

Proving a brain injury can be complicated, especially when you and the doctor didn’t notice the damage right away, as is sometimes the case. An attorney can look at your case and see about gathering the evidence needed to prove your claim.

You need to focus on a few things: contacting a good lawyer, gathering medical information, and keeping careful records of your injury and losses.

Get in Touch with a Brain Injury Lawyer

You deserve to receive compensation for an injury you didn’t cause, so don’t give up on your case just because it might be a little more complicated than other case types. Contact a California brain injury lawyer at The Kindley Firm, APC, to get started on your claim today. Dial 619-550-1313 or visit our website for more information.